Fund centres
Select a fund centre
Please choose the relevant option below based on the following policyholder type, in order to view the correct range of funds available to you:
Rest of World
If you are a Rest of World policyholder, please visit our Rest of World fund centre:
You can also download a Fund performance bulletin (fund prices)
Hong Kong Offshore
If we classify you as a Hong Kong Offshore designated policyholder, please refer to this:
The FPIL* fund codes on the mirror funds that are available to Hong Kong Offshore designated policyholders have now changed to a prefix of H, X or Z.
~ Coming soon - Hong Kong Offshore designated policyholder fund centre research tool ~
*FPIL = Friends Provident International Limited.
**SFC = Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") is the independent statutory body charged with regulating the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong.
Definition of a FPIL Hong Kong Onshore designated policyholder
The policy application for a FPIL investment product was signed in Hong Kong and the application was processed through our Hong Kong branch. The investment product is an Investment-Linked Assurance Scheme (“ILAS”), which is a product authorised by the SFC. The investment-linked funds we make available to Hong Kong Onshore designated policyholders for premium investment and switches in must be SFC authorised. Even if the policyholder now resides outside of Hong Kong, they are still categorised as Hong Kong Onshore.
Definition of a FPIL Hong Kong Offshore designated policyholder
The policy application for a FPIL investment product was signed outside of Hong Kong, however, the application was processed through the FPIL Hong Kong branch. The policyholder is not restricted to investing in only SFC authorised investment-linked funds.
Definition of a FPIL Rest of World policyholder
This is anyone who does not fit into the Hong Kong Onshore designated policyholder or Hong Kong Offshore designated policyholder categories above, and is also not a holder of a Singapore FPIL product or Middle East product.
FPIL policyholders of a Singapore product should visit our Singapore fund centre for the funds that are available to them.
FPIL policyholders of a Middle East unit-linked product should visit our United Arab Emirates fund centre for the mirror funds that are available to them.