Change of Investment Policy to underlying fund of P97 Parvest Bond Best Selection World Emerging
25 May 2017
We have been informed by Parvest of a change to the Investment Policy of the underlying fund into which P97 Parvest Bond Best Selection World Emerging invests, that came into effect on 16 May 2017.
Within the underlying fund’s supplementary prospectus the Investment Policy has been amended to include the following additional wording as highlighted below in bold:
“This sub-fund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in a limited number of bonds and debt securities or other similar securities issued by emerging countries (defined as non OECD countries prior to 1 January 1994 together with Turkey and Greece) or by companies characterised by a strong financial structure and/or potential for profitable growth that have their registered offices or conduct a majority of their business activities in these countries, as well as in financial derivative instruments on this type of asset.
The remaining portion, namely a maximum of 1/3 of its assets, may be invested in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, financial derivative instruments or cash, and up to 10% of its assets may be invested in UCITS or UCI.
In respect of the above investments limits, the sub-fund’s investments into debt securities traded on the China Interbank Bond market may reach up to 25% of its assets.”
The underlying fund prospectus has been updated to reflect this change.
Should you have any questions regarding this change, please contact International Funds & Investments.