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Changes to the underlying fund of L36 JPMorgan Indonesia

06 September 2018

Friends Provident International Limited (“Friends Provident International”) has been notified by JPMorgan Asset Management (“The Company”) of the proposed merger of the underlying fund into which L36 JPMorgan Indonesia invests.

Subject to the approval at the extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”), the underlying fund into which L36 JPMorgan Indonesia invests (the “Merging Fund”), will be merged with the JPMorgan ASEAN Fund (the “Receiving Fund”).

The Company have stated the following:

“The potential proposed mergers will be subject to regulatory approvals and subsequently unitholders’ approval in extraordinary general meetings. Should we proceed with the proposed mergers, the anticipated effective date will be in the first quarter of 2019. Unitholders of the respective funds would be informed accordingly with sufficient notice containing details of the relevant merger in advance of the extraordinary general meetings and the mergers.”

We will provide an update regarding the proposed merger of L36 JPMorgan Indonesia once we receive further information from the Company.

Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact International Funds & Investments.