Name changes to the underlying funds of S234 & S235 Harmony Portfolio funds

28 Aug 2024

  • S234 Harmony Portfolios US Dollar Balanced
  • S235 Harmony Portfolios US Dollar Growth

(Together the “Affected Mirror Funds”)

We have been notified by Momentum Global Funds (the “Company”) of name changes to the underlying funds of the Affected Mirror Funds. These changes will take effect 23 September 2024 (the “Effective Date”).

Reason for the changes

The underlying funds of the Affected Mirror Funds have a regional US investment bias, however their objectives are more comparable to a Global Fund as the US represents around 70% of the global developed equity markets.

The name change will have no impact to the investment objective, investment strategy or risk factors of the underlying funds of the Affected Mirror Funds.

To reflect how the underlying fund names will be amended, on the Effective Date the names of our Affected Mirror Funds will be updated in line with these as follows:

Affected Mirror Fund name before Effective DateAffected Mirror Fund name after Effective Date
S234 Harmony Portfolios US Dollar BalancedS234 Harmony Portfolios Global Balanced (USD)
S235 Harmony Portfolios US Dollar Growth S235 Harmony Portfolios Global Growth (USD)

Please refer to the Momentum Global Funds notification opposite for more information.

Policyholders do not need to take any action as a result of the name change if they wish to remain invested in the Affected Mirror Funds.

We recommend that policyholders seek the advice of their usual financial adviser before making any investment decisions.  

Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact the Investment Marketing team.