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An international investment bond, offering a wide range of investment and administration options to suit you.

Reserve offers customers access to a wide range of assets. Clients can access collective investment schemes only or they can access personalised assets.


Collective investments

  • UK authorised unit trusts
  • UK investment trusts
  • Open-ended investment companies
  • Overseas collective investment schemes including open ended investment companies, unit trusts, arrangements creating co-ownership rights, hedge funds and exchange-traded funds.
  • Cash, including bank and building society deposits.


Personalised assets

  • Equities and fixed interest securities quoted on most recognised stock exchanges
  • Unit trusts
  • Open-ended investment companies
  • Investment trusts
  • Offshore reporting and non-reporting funds
  • Hedge funds, funds of hedge funds and exchange traded funds
  • Structured notes and structured deposits
  • US, Canadian and Australian mutual funds where your investments are held with a discretionary fund manager
  • Cash, including bank and building society deposits.


Appoint an Investment adviser or Discretionary managers

Reserve is also designed to allow customers to appoint an Investment adviser or Discretionary fund manager. These professionals specialise in portfolio construction and work with customers and their representatives to create a bespoke investment portfolio aligned to a customer’s desired returns and risk profile. 

You can appoint an investment adviser to choose and, if appropriate, place deals on your behalf. You can pay them, via regular withdrawals, either a fixed fee per quarter or a percentage of the value of the investments.

You can appoint a discretionary fund manager who will also place deals on your behalf, but they will also hold your assets in their custody. You can also pay them, via regular withdrawals, either a fixed fee per quarter or a percentage of the value of the investments.